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"Missing Man Formation" |
As you may know, we lost Chilipepper in 2014 and Bugs in 2016. Dey was important members of the family and are very much missed by both hoomans and da boi.
But we aren't alone in our loss. With so many pals and pets' lives so short, we wanted to list some others who are pawtying wif sisfurs Chili and Bugs OTRB.
Thx to @Danapixie for compiling OTRB list.
Honoring those OTRB May 2015 to May 2016
May 2016
@tntDexter sis Ashley
@weightlosscat brofur Bob
@AmberNadinic foster tabby kitten
April 2016
@SpangleOmalley Dee
@DaniLordBraga BFF Priguiça
@DeuceAndTooie Deuce
@MagicCatNumber9 pal KC
@TeddyTedaloo kitty pal Milo
@9muscateers Jaz
@mk_inwa Tuxie
@Jue2312 Zara
@21mdjohn Samjoy
@bowmanVdb Loki
@TedTerrier furcuz Jolson
@rotrujo Joyce
@EuripedesCrane Theo
@MrTibbsAtAP Little Master Tibbs
@Vaselby Neddy
@StaffyAngel brofur @HammyMcQueen
@anakin_Obiwan dog Penny
@NellyAnn63 Poppy
@TerrribleTwo brofur Archie
@mr_fu13 sisfur Buddha
@PiddleAndPurr brofur Max
@Kittehboi sisfur Bugs @SisfurCats
@PeachesCaique brofur Oleg
@efthimiak Sultan
@fatargent pal Boris
@Cool_Cat_ Kitty
@LovePookieCat Beano
@MoochYorkie furcuz Sammy
@ShadowsWhiskers furcuz Roger
@TommySpaniel pal Barney
@LolaHound Tom
@9muscateers Luigi
@Hamish_hrh fur nephew Max
@wooferseupet Lucy
@ducattybengals Volty
@BlackFridayCat pal Bear
@CatsMNE Hvostik
@angelananaedna pal Ralph
@LuchLabs pal Peggy
@spnbunnies gpigs Martha and Zvetsch
@Schrody_cat pal Saki
@Dafluffarooniez brofur Gizmo
@Blue_n_Buddy Blue
@NewtTheCat pal K
@Tuxicat10 furcuz Gracie ( @cinnimini2 @tbryant57 )
@LidiaPhilema Tinit
@JaneDoe25 sister
@BeesKnees_pdx pal Rio
@TheChubbles Prince of Darkness
@ChrisGroove1 baby kitty Tiny
@Stasileebaby sister @savvyleebaby
@Georgetheduck kitty Gree
@MischiefMoggy1 pal Miles
@9muscateers Smeagal
@shrlocknwatson Watson
@MillieTheWB furcuz Finn
@MissPishPosh furcuz Nina
@DwarfGarden Budgie Lemon
World’s Oldest Dog #Maggie
@ImogenTheKitten Ruby Rose
@AlmaTheVizsla sisfur Kidi
@Campbellru24 Maggie
@CatsHound fur nephew Jackson
@cody_raccoon Oscar
@Awesome_Louie pal Byron
@ady_oo Splotchy
@CatsHound fur nephew Jackson
@ShivaAndJaya foal niece Alice and colt nephew Enzos
@mahon_maura furcuz Buddy
@HouseBunnehs Peter
@BowBunnyRescue Belle
@BarbaryStorm Jake
@TopherAndMelba Nero
@WhippetHenry pal Jess
@AbacusCoins Rocket
@fern_bonnie brofur Zaan
@pepperkitching Holly
@xoxdogsxox Abby
@whippet_wilf kitty sis Hiccup
@nesjloch Budgie Rosie
@FreshOtis kitty pal Gage
@mandjlewis Mario
@misscuddlywumps dog Shannan
@docMichaelG kitty Quaker
@attackofwieners Bear
@SpringerSaint Skye’s brofur Charlie
@TangerineSkies2 doggie Miekko
@dinafragola lil’ feral kitty Fleur
@ThePlayfulKitty kitty Cinco
@emmabailey1972 Millie Moo
@This_is_Talon Missy
@a_biscombe Millie’s bff Rio
@NaeNae_1204 bird Oliver
@Boo_Panfur brofur Pepper
March 2016
@Wooferseupet Freddy
@RoseFilipponi Sarge
@L0gnesz Mientje
@MarleyCharms Aunt Mary
@ThePiggyLounge Bitsy
@MrPopoki Max
@SunnyBanc Spencer
@NemoNewfie sisfur Bella
@Lost_Souls10 Glen
@jakeeboythelab brofur Samson
@LiL_Tyke07 furcuz Mozart
@PomBella pal Nic
@FredaAndPals Freda
@lehimesa Otha
@TeckelTonks brofur Wentworth
@Jojo7K mom’s doggie Masie
@kittycat_kia pal Puss
@scarletthekat brofur Cesar
@colonelmanx ( brofur of @thecat_oreo)
@pughearts foster Gidget
@BanditIsMyKitty Sammy
@KittyGracey mom’s husband John
@lehimesa TataOola
@RosiesUncle Rosie
@legalMolly Maron
@Gwynluck96 Ruby Hedgehog
@Julio_Beagle hamster Teddy
@lehimesa horse pal Deia
@ZaffyCorkyOllie Korky
@EmmaThePug pal Peppermint Patty
@jelte0107 Beau
@thepiggylounge guinea pig Lola
@EdWitteman fursib Mobitz
@LittleDartford Jasper
@CJMcCoy19 Max
@DezizWorld Lexi
@DazeeCat Daisy
@BeagleMom2 Lord Shiloh
@HDUFC Willo
@Slinky_the_cat Humom’s brother
@Paddy511 Mac
@BlackFridayJake furcuz dat Daisy
@Lisuccen Mumu
@SnoozeQ1 Peanut
@FurryChaps Monty
@RanchSandbar Hershey
@Camgart Nutmeg
@GinaBabyTCB Kipper
@Ellie_Jake Jakey
@PomBella pal Teddy
@mortimerbulldog kitty brofur Phoenix
@GuidoLock nanny Dottie
@SusieQ6shooter Garfunkel
@spiggitzfan Binki
@mywoolshed Lizzie
@BertieRace mum’s sister
@anakintwolegs sister Zoe
@FloAndBru Florence
@Bunny_dapug furcuz kitty Psycho
@BlazesPage pal Isla
@4paws2paws Kandi
@Ronnie_Pug cat Archie
@PrincessAvaBiso sisfur Lindsay
@Kyba Huntyr’s kitty Cubby
@RosieRosie0044 Phoebe
@emmaBailey1972 Shelley
@obanhousebunny Oban
@FraggleArt Grandpa
@GailSmith33 Pugsley
@SimonBallTweets Freddie
@BunnersAndHarvs Harvs
@Karen_Hackett kitty Pickles
@JulieMangano Dog Pepper
@Whskr Marjorie’s brother Chris
@CleoTwirly pal Jinx
@ZwartblesIE Dorrit
@ThePreciousPups Stanley
@SaylorMcGivney brofur Menifee
@efthimiak Titi
@spike33333 doggie sisfur Beatrix
@amySawyerHair Angus
@FlockIsFamily Grandma
@JonesJones694 kitty Ramirez
@ktunley7 bunny Poppy
@EmmySits hamster pal Honey
@DaisyDoodleDoxi doggie sisfur Zoe
@LVMPD K9 Nicky
February 2016
@BeckettBrador furcuz Carrie
@Mostydog Mosty
@EnnaSammy Aunt Jess
@Mcbealer pal Ralohy
@BarneyTBeagle pal Holly
@BorisKitty furcuz Digger
@wp1957 Misha
@Spotneedsstuff hooman mom
@PGHTransitPD K9 hero Aren
@PoliceK9sandMWD K9 heroes BETCHA and FALCO
@yellowlablover pal Gracie
@dogsRppltoo Milo
@OnePoliceUK K9 Brodie
@LostTxGirl Mr Puffy
@LordGraydon furcuz Tattoo
@KikoBirdy Kiko (12/23/15)
@Mariethetabby grandkitty Andy
@TinyTimmySpeaks pal Simon
@Totally_Purring Jada
@BusyChasingNick Molly
@tikaherod Tika (11/10/15)
@SnoopyTheOnly Onyx
@TheCrazyCavies guinea pig brofur BAILEY
@NYCFireWire firekitty BOOGIE
@iamthesqueakbox doggie brofur MONTY
@Coops_thedobey doggie dad OZZY
@efthimiak Micromute
@mancstickchick pal Alfie
@GypsyMochi Blue
@TVelvet rattie sisfur BUFFY
@Lighthouse148 doggie DAISY
@BumbaRabbit bunny boyfuriend Iron
@Sadie_D_Doxie foster sisfur ‘Rita Hayworth
@DoraBT sisfur Jess
@Fionathedoxie pal Oliver
@GothamGreyhound Angie
@Munchspage Munch
@Spike_Cat sisfur emmacat
@BeesKnees_PDX aunt
@charley_beagle furcuz Max
@OKCtuxiecat SnowflakeCrystal
@RubyBeagle brofur GO
@meowzermix kitty Angus
@TuscSheriff retired K9 PD HANS
@BunnyBarney and @Lilythegiant bunny Bramble
@Chocolien King
@bubblebeccapugs Pavlova
@TazzyDevil13 pal Harley
@domdyer Biggles
@LerroyBlackCat dog Sam
@RGTWolves Milly
@LadyGarden1 Olly
@Ragendesgu Sunny
@JustDogsWorld pal Morag
@sikspens kitty GingerBaby
@HoneyTheStaffie dog Barney
@animallover1408 kitty Jackpot
@BowBunnyRescue Betsy
@ZeekOfTexas Teaspoon (11/15)
@Beakquad Lindy
@PreciousTroubl1 Oliver
@Celtic_villan Deez
@ChoccyAngus mum Samantha
@tailsoftravel Beijo
@Alfie_McCat Mr Felix
@norrington1eye pal Emerson
@Finlaybob301 pal Molly
@GarfieldOnyx Onyx
@MyDeafCat pal Stripes
@TheRealOtisFuzz pal Dexter
@sandeighton1982 Dexter
@boriskitty H2’s uncle
@BTPdogs retired K9PD Dex
@Jesthedino kitty Sid
@IngloriousCats Sen
@Katie001001 bun Ryuji
@QuarkyBirdy Eros
@PeanutThePuggle pal Riley
@BonnieJingel Pong
@HelloDollyDog pal Angus Mango
@CocoTheParrot Aunt Lynda’s chickens
@SpringerSaint Auntie Jenny
@bunnymother Ms Buttons
@Kattenzusjes Amy
@obbibb Sundance
@JALpalyul Lelah
@Jandako Roosje
@Alfit_d bfofur Ben
@BusterTheBeagle kitty Smokey
@BlackCatJewels Lewis
@Brooke_D74 Khan
@Siriasworld Moritz
@opikater Mikesch
@grnbullit Riley
@TammyMerlin Tammy
@BunnyMadMag bunny Diggy
@HenriDawg kitty sisfur Skrimpy
@maya_diaries brofur Sam
@DexterMidgley pal Bertie
@Wallace01s Clifford
@Izzy_Border Gma2 dog Kia
@DogRescueTweets Boston
@ArabellaTheDog furcuz Shelby
@Louise_Corke Poppy
@wxgirl169 Amber
@Zaubermaus57 Paul
@MaisieAndMaude Mr Pegg
@DexTheDach YellowDogNala
January 2016
@JALpalyul Jada
@IzzyBbeagle pal Mia
@FatFelines Simon
@MaupiEnCo Pluis and Snoopy
@nicowonderdog pal Roxy
@cutecatshq Tiger
@TerenceTerrier Mirabell
@PlayboyDoggyDog Jazzy’s kitten
@LordSimba1 and @SammyRules13 brofur Caesar
@talesofabunny Nero
@BichonLover Chloe
@oscardismore Granddad
@LilyLuWhoT horse furcuz Missy
@IamSavannahCat Walter
@catsMNE kitty Tigra
@GuidedogJackie doggie pal Maddie
@Kattenzusjes Rambo
@Flospots brofur Bertie
@curlyfry111 furpal LENNY
@carloskleomiga kitty fursib Calli
@TallulahB2007 kitty brofur Cato
@patodabruiser doggie sisfur Coco
@reddy1408 kitty JoJo
@CantonOhioPD K9 #Jethro
@FDNY K9 Twenty
@PoodlePlus1 pal Sparky
@SquirtTheCat horse Sophie
@HenryAndFriends kitty Sharlit
@curlyfry111 pal Lenny
@carloskleomigo Calli
@TallulahB2007 sisfur Cato
@patodabruiser sisfur Coco
@Reddy1408 kitty Jojo
@NorfolkPB K9 Krijger
@FeistySirLance pal Sully
@picsofpugs Daphne
@NWDogRescue Mary’s 4 pups
@Rox_for_peace Gracie
@AnnietheSmooth furcuz Eghan
@CooperNBonnie Bonnie
@BusterTheBeagle Daisy
@EricaJooste1 doggie Gandolf
@RoxanneHawn and @Champofmyheart Ginko
@Chashmerefbg furbro Charmeuse
@Hobie_Dog pal Skippy
@Galgosdelsol Loraxx
@Pixie_tooth pal Scarlett
@MrTibbsAP Mittitt
@TeasDoxiez kitty sisfur Isabelle
@TeasDoxiez sisfur Isabelle
@WhortWheet Scarlett (in sept)
@angelananaedna pal Hank
@AnnCarriere66 furcuz Tommy
@SkyTheGSD Sophie
@SauceyPaw Jackson
@marlodabasset sisfur Farah
@BradleyBunnehs Snowy
@Cafeterrier (brofur of @HuwsThere)
@SarahaNunn Noodles
@msmiih Fergus
@ElsaBessBorders donkey Domino
@cocotheparrot pal Chester the Chinchilla
@AngelDolphin24 Isabella
@SaxonTheHound pal Slade
@daisyrabbit bunny sisfur Durham
@LeviMyloCooper gerbil fursibs Cow and Mouse
@belleandbeowulf kittyAva’s newbornBaby Ginger
@BlueAlertUs HERO K9 Ogar
@sbcountysheriff HERO K9 JOJO
@TwinRiversPD HERO K9 JAag
@dogpoliceBCH retired K9 Boz
@DRPS_K9 @DRPS retired K9 Magnum
@Kotoripunk Soprano
@BubbleBeccaPugs Bubble
@NicloaJSwinney Simon
@a_felecia Castiel
@DoubleBassets Mia
@OmahaPolice K9 Kobus
@RescueHelper SapphieDog
@Bestocker Zora
@NWDogRescue Riva
@Official_EC488 hamster Macaroni
@jeffcosheriffco K9 doggie MINK
@daisyrabbit bunnies SADIE n BARNEY MAE
@PoorSprocket doggie brofur TITUS (Sep.2015)
@The_Gabby_Dog pals KODAK n SAMMY (Fall 2015)
@samtingcat Julia
@LOLdoxie Bucky
@CatsMNE Little Flea
@LuckyLucyFdn Simon
@Jennasmombx Coco
@Bollicats pal Starsky
@Bdgrlaw mom’s dog Molly
@HollyTheBichon pal Alfie
@WinstonsWoofs Grandad
@FeistySirLance pal Snowball
@DollyPooh1 bruv Sandy
@NWDogRescue Bob
December 2015
@radfordenise bunny Pedro
@lovecats1516 Lily
@bonniethewestie brofur Sid
@bongo_Bear pal Olly
@missLilyDoodle furniece Shelby
@wkbandfan Lana
@clawdiathecat bunny Luther
@BusterTWondrdog Elwood and Angel
@The_Tardis_Toms pal Ollie
@jmuhj1 Sammi
@ScouseRunty bunny brofur EDWARD
@cheriswan kitty BOBBIE
@TerenceTerrier kitty MIRABELL
@MissLilyDoodle pals SHELBY and BELLA
@zoetherapydog pal MUFFIN
@AdoptaPitrescue EVAN
@PugNationRescue GRIFFIN
@Jonathangoat kitty brofur JASPER
@RachaelKandyFur puppy NASH
@SHHAnimalRescue Hospice ELVYN
@lucyLabrador doggie sisfur STELLA
@dennisthevizsla sisfur TRIXIE
@SchmoopyBunny bunny furiend ROCCO
@sookie_grace HARLEY
@NWDogRescue doggie SKYE
@LucytheLab kitty brofur SLINKY
@rat_mom rattie KASPER
@findcleo doggie CLEO
@SandiDaFabulous hooman mom’s friend
@joelstutter kitty WINSTON
@DogBoysDogRanch doggie buddy BO
@RoxyBartholomew hamster GIZMO
@hoppyhearts bunny furiend PUDGE
@LeashesnLboxes kitty MS. HALEY
@ericvice kitty SCAMPER
@Cassie_Spaniel hooman grandma’s doggie PATSY
@Davenknuckle hamster brofur KNUCKLE
@HorseSisters horse OPIE
@BigCatDerek lion TABULA
@heel2heal doggie ANNABELLE
@kellerskats kitty TURBO
@wellsbones doggie BUFFY
@MagentaOrange hamster PUMPKIN
@bidtosaveastray doggie PRIC
@CockerBeau hooman aunty’s doggie MOLLY
@Heartofyarn kitty CARMELLA
@FremontPD doggie K9 KALIMERO
@ebonywolf21 kitty OLLIE
@2blackpugz doggie MR. PICKLES
@FeistySirLance mom- n dadstaffs hooman friend JEFF
@Little1TC Sausage
@SpanielHarry brofur Jerry
@ZorroTD brofur FINNEGAN
@CelestiaKat doggie LITTLE BEAR
@loveydove doggie VELVET
@dora_ruby kitty JAKE
@LittleGeordie1 pal Meg
@uswpam11 brofur BEANIE
@jaspertheshihzu kitty furcuz BUDDY
@EdelHumphries kitty POPPY
@Louwiy kitty sisfur CASSIE
@GrizLee_doxie doggie uncle MAX
@alfit_d kitty brofur BARNEY
@kencollins4646 Dexy
@torrytonks Tonka
@dislexiadotca Stewie (petiethecat’s furcuz)
@TuftyandMilo Tufty
@BlueSteelSlater pal Margo
@6327carole Maisy
@angusmacferret Toby
@iamzorro sisfur Patchie
@pughearts Nathanial
@RustytheKitty Momcat
@catrulers Nikita
@TazzyDevil13 Happy
@7trekky Roxy
@GizmoTheMogwai0 Shelley
@AmeowliaFurhart Mum
@GreyCatLady Brother
@ngremmy Halki
@BonBonJorge sisfur Maili
@OfficeJunior12 birdy Daddy Twinky
@WoolyLionHead brofur Harley
@BibiSnoopyRonja Bibi
@lighthouse148 Daisy
@cafrinDorrell Otto
@nikkimoustaki Pearl
@BulleyBufton pal Starksy
@GrimNReaperPugs furcuz Abbie
@TenCat doggie Onyx
@losttxgirl Sabrina
@TerrierSOS Bella
November 2015
@MissPurrfect23 Daisy
@BugHarleyBug Herbie
@szimmy2 Bandit
@4paws2paws Nami
@Pudgecotnet1 Max
@Mooshu_Brutus Mooshu
@SashThepug furcuz Kora
@DoofusFace Tanner
@VampireBloom Ozzy
@TheOnionMaid Odin
@FelineFunnyFarm Pirate
@TigLaMig ’s @ShannonPuss
@SoundsPrincess furnephew Gizzy
@olchrisprotte Kamba
@GoldPamela Ruby
@JalPayul Senge ‘Little Man’
@lehimesa Belle
@goobie2014 fursis Pickie
@AbbyDawgBlog Abby
@BorisKitty pal Dutchie
@CrashsLanding kitties Combo, Mosby, Tony
@KatKay41 Ana
@OurChloePup sisfur kitty Naz
@Budini Pancho Pup
@McDonaldPlugs Rogue
@JolinenBlue Mr Soots
@Lesism Titan
@MissSunnyMind bunny Bonny
@Beagle_Bud Buddy
@debra_bride Scully
@SusieBSchnauzer Susie-Bell
@porn_horse Figaro
@ktunley7 Munchie and Sammy
@onewhitedog Jake
@scottieterror Ruffles ( @puppymunch sisfur)
@HuskattaPusur Røder
@Laursica Treize
@BravestCat Bogart
@DunkynBeagle Maxine
@Bertie_Junior Gran
@LolaGreyhound Nona
@Nata4468 Bantik
@FelineFunnyFarm GooglieGirl
@MizziiBee Ollie
@BhamDonkeys DonkDean
@ZellaZBulldog Neptune
@SadOldBint Beamish
@MissBusyBiz furcuz Beppo
@Busy_lizzis Sox
@Slinky_the_cat pal Winston
@TheRealOtisFuzz Unkle Funny
@catbears12 Nutmeg
@MaryMacStudios Mica
@JudeTheBeagle brofur Dreyfus
@OldGreys Meister
@Maisie_pops nan
@lil_mmac Kenzie
@KeighleyCatCare Roman
@BichonScot1 Harley
@JazzTheBoxer furcuz BordyKiwi
@MooshueDixon Gramma
@Theresa_MI LilBoBo
@Fanilow Dandy
@xe_twx Mr Xenon Cat
October 2015
@JSchwartz197 kitty Buddy
@xoSunnyBoy brofur Angelo
@TigerBoyTheCat Grandma
@UnitySprung Bobo
@MarleyPeggy1 Henry
@TheNumptyBoyz Bailey
@BorderColliex Kizzy
@TimmysBFF Angelina
@ThePreciousPups Pilot
@KSHamrick pal Erde
@KeighleyCatCare Phoebe
@catbat_1 Rast
@GaryoftheSalon Hudson
@monkeytechahoo Voodoo
@Rac1ngGreen Dyson
@Crystal_Fishy dog Murphy
@DaisyRabbit Norman
@damph25 Maggie
@meanderingNumps Smudge
@1natfarmer dog Tay
@TheCatnipTimes Elaine
@Labsontheloose Miss Winnie
@CrashsLanding Zee
@TonksTail and @Allie_Kitti grandpa
@Zaubermaus57 Gonzo
@sambaileyrab Milo
@HalfordU Mr Diesel
@rschweiss79 BellaBean
@BambiBrooke Simba
@TangerineSkies2 Topanga (jan 2015)
@TheHonestPaws Milo
@Razzntoodies Ruby
@RoxyRoxLA pal Scooter
@GrantlyAWheeler Meg
@SuperLilly4 Aria
@chrisGroove1 pal CloverDale
@Tildatoo Prudence
@StasiLeeBaby pal Blinky
@JoleeMockler Peaches
@LokiThorCats Loki
@1OldLostSoul PeeWee
@dogrina2 Rina
@MillieTheWB brofur Murray
@Petiethecat Mama Louise
@jonesgirl_3 Frankie
@chathamgirl97 Nutmeg
@Catherine_Riche Jet
@SamBaileyRab Cousin
@HorrorCats Willow
@Let_Lannie_Be Simba
September 2015
@mummahiggsy Sammy
@KEmulholland Old Cat
@lisalishtic ‘Ancient Dog’ Allie
@BenToons Kilo
@AndersonCooper dog Molly
@Bogeysnaz Bogey
@GalileoSexyRat Gali
@Whskr Peanut
@bogeysnaz Bogey
@LambeauChestnut and JoleneChestnut Bandit
@JustAnotherTrnd Aunt Annie
@Susoended_Acct Kitty Bob
@lyttlenesh family member
@NWDogRescue pal Phoebe
@TheHoundReport Finnegan
@Connies5catz Parker
@cafrindorrell Polly
@9Muscateers Tushy
@JazzyCat6 Gremlin
@kdey Boodles
@debs26hill Penny
@K_2theL Mr Muffin
@TammyReasbeck Luna
@tattlecat Rupert
@EmmySits Winnie
@Lehimesa Beasley
@ReadInterrupt Baffi
@GizmoandLisa Gizmo
@TipperandBob Tipper
@MAMJJNW mother, and kitty Tisch
@Smith_dawwizer Tiger
@ChloeToby Lori’s mom
@JoPlumridge Sammy
@MariasMusings Will
@Khran Tiramisu
@GinaCuccu sisfur Fuzzy
@CookingFlutist Chazz
@InokumoT Lani
@CaineOllie Ollie
August 2015
@Smokey8 Uncle Gus
@Beagle_Bud Gracie
@Catwode Chiara Mathilde
@catsfromulthar Little Nina
@CarolynRamsamy Harvey
@RachelleReese Daisy Mae
@Mogfleetcommand Prince Fleishmann
@EmmyDIB Nicki
@ZoeytheBulldog Guinness
@OttersRocanRule and @Annie_Airwolf kitty Franny
@CallieScarlett Little Puss
@HoganPug human Uncle
@BertBorder brofur Harry
@GiffordCats Boris
@Buddy_daPug horse pal Odyssey and baby
@BestestGunDog Gunner
@UrbanCritter Sushi
@Catbears12 Bambi, Chloe, and Greata
@ConchoQueen Boots
@ThePointies Spaniel Sam
@LivingKY Gracie
@DaisyMaeCoach 2 newborn babies
@PeskyJski Connor
@Ktazzy60 Rowdy
@LunaDePoes Yara
@CherylPoeStone James and Jasper
@Noahzbark James
@Angel_Silva15 Oscar
@MrMrsNibble Dimity
@dahlsmum Dahl
@Fatdaddybulldog Nugget
@Ollie_doggy brofur Willis
@RustyTheKitty brofur Tux
@stinkyshmoo Cooper
@beegaPug pal Eli
@Oemotstandig Willis
@steeler14527 Whiskey
@BonniedaWestie kitty Tootsie
@Martha_Cavalier Martha and Rosie
@LurainPenny pal Harry
@Kusonekospice Spice
@ginlover37 Akira
@Fraggle_Laura Cromity
@HumboldtPugMom Aki
@ScarySmartKitty brofur BGK (Pogo)
@MerlynTheCollie Uncle Charlie
@Dwarfgarden Tora
@OMGitsthecat Scooby
@Jenloarn Angel
July 2015
@Freebyrd55 Clarence
@YorkieTails Scrappy
@PricklyDuo Millie
@RowdyMastiff hooman sister
@BonnieDaWestie Uncle
@Jenny0101 Joey
@TRKmom1Eleanor Ranger
@Fabi976 Micio
@Tradgardskatten Elton
@Cananimalstweet Penny
@catlover0908 Truffles
@BiscuitBT sisfur Tango
@LisaEmi Shadow
@MarieTheTabby Aunt Leslie
@TrishAloha Bright Eyes
@Beaglemum78 Bean
@Sift_The_Ashes Daisy
@JRoetteis Dot
@Mollyg321 Luke’s brofur Jake
@Blasko1313 Miss Chief
@DieselDawwg pal Kane
@ClutterBeauty Katy
@DawnPriestland Mr B
@Purrfik pal Garfield
@ShadowWhiskee Shadow
@CuckooNuts Maggie
@Projekt5 Bambam
@NoodleBeagle Alfie
@Tangie16 Griselda
@CrashsLanding Anita and Steve
@CookTheDog Human Dad
@WBell8h Radar
@LazLovely Bob
@wildkat57 Sister
@LehiMesa TillySteptoe
@existenciala Kitty Cori
@Tbaldwin510Todd Alex
@snowywestie grandma
@ca_corneille Rhett
@princesstwiggyx Humbug
@BaileySpringer1 Gran
@Marvelpuss Barney
@spsot Mum
@Alfiewoofwoof Gran’s dog Amy
@HeThinksHesPeop Evangeline
@TedLakelandFox Aunt Bon
@HenryTheCat2002 brofur Mooch
@LakerAngel14 Gizmo
@989Salmur Peaches
June 2015
@TazzyDevil13 Batley
@s_leda Merlin
@lehimesa Itty Bitty Belle
@mydorkyblacklab Skylar
@Official_mommaG Little Baby
@jschwartz dog Little Man
@BichonLover Hannah
@MyCatMister brofur Gromit
@BrownSquirrel JRT Jack
@SpanielHarry sisfur Honey
@BunHouseGlasgow Daisy
@PipRufus1 Pip
@Travisthepug Yogi bear
@luvkuching Molly
@ApugnamedEmoji Mars
@CatOK365 JoeJoe
@Varly_Scratch49 Beau
@1Sammieisenough Sammie
@FloydTheCat FB pal Teddy
@TuppenceMeezer sisfur Isis
@FreddieBeagle Grandma
@MadCitySquirrel furcuz Dufus
@lehimesa Rollo
@KimberleyKoz kitty pal Etta
@ThePugsMummy Tilly
@TheGingerMonty Smudge
@MsDugibbley GR dog
@GizmoAndLisa pal Gracie the rat
@ThePetReader Tommy
@SundayHamster Neo
@VincentRocket pal Lucy of @DoggieDiva
@PugHearts Foster Gina
@zerorice1012 furcuz Buddy
@1westitudes kitty
@BertieAndArthur Arthur
@Maddrox_the_pug pal Bodie
@The_Animal_Team Brownie
@Joanna_Jane Monty
@Terryd76 Jess
@amc5848 Nellie
@Jenny0101 Tina
@LeoBlue31 Mom’s Gran
@MerryAndPipCat Pippen
@FflauschKatze Chan
@wenjie Benjie
@GermanShorthair Daisy
@Slinky_the_cat sister Lula
@JasmineLabPuppy pal Ziggy
@wp1957 Merlin
@TonksTail Grandpa
@sukesu Morris
@Treats4Life Punkin and Baby
@hayashikiyohito Tama
@WiburBasset sis Lucky
@GizmoAdventures Teddy
@rmswr Martha
@CherylChat415 Syd
@Auntie_Hope Ginger
May 2015
@LisaJinxBell49 Mr Jinx
@Bellewitch66 Brother
@Dazeecat dogsis Georgia @Lifewithbigdogs
@TuffyCat sisfur Cinnamon
@BeckyBadger1 Buddie
@jeffmusk pal Ms Audrey
@AbbeyRescueDox kitty Sir Graystone
@sophiaphotos kitty Oscar
@ThorSelfies Blue
@MavTheTiger (brofur of @madlabM and @BlazeTheNinja,fur baby of @FurKidMom)
@SammyJoAstro Astro
@ToniNicolini Bela ‘Little’
@jojo7k Pickles
@SadOldBint kitty Holly
@MooshueDixon sisfur Pickles
@LongDogLover Brenda’s mom
@GattoTull friend Bia
@The_Gilbert_23 Olivia
@SnuffyNorton kitty Squawkbox
@LouannTexas Cookie
@ponteufTheCat furcuz Teddy
@JustTwoKittens Tabby
@DiamondBertie Master (Peter)
@woof_bea4 Bunta
@ShannonDRauch Kito
@ShropAnimals Emmie
@wwwbikerider Coco the hamster
@badpiratemonkey Phuzz
@GailVCotton @TheAviatorsClub Captain Ronnie
@JeffdaKillah Harry
@PugAndFry Minnie
@lizerator56 dog Keiko
@Judethebeagle brofur Victor
@MrMoeCat Rocco
@LouieWestie Meg
@IrvingSays brofur Stewie
@FeistySirLance Moses
@pomdays Louis
@PiddleAndPurr Blossom
@Dubsy_Chat Kira dog
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